絆 結婚式
上賀茂神社挙式後、料亭左阿彌にてご結婚式をなされた泰介様 亜紀様ご夫妻。
I went to support the wedding reception at ryoutei SAAMI of Mr Taisuke and Mrs Aki after the wedding ceremony at Kamigamo Shrine.
Congratulation for being husband and wife in the fine weather and the beautiful greenery.
I am longing for the arrangement we made step by step until the wedding day with bride and groom’s parents.
The bride’s parents, who waved to me with smile from inside the taxi
The groom’s parents who gave me a warm call after the ceremony
And the bride and groom who had been brought up by such wonderful parents were dressed in beautiful outfits…
It was a wonderful wedding full with tears and smiles
ご家族の皆様方の 末永いご多幸を心より祈っております。
As the words and smile given from both families encouraged me, I would do my best more and more.
I hope for the every and long happiness to every families of yours.
LST京都本店 和婚プランナー
山本 育子
LST Kyoto Salon WACON Planner
Ikuko Yamamoto